Delivery Time: 1-3 Days

Service Time

  • This service runs 1-5 days but can take up to 7-9 business days depending on source (During regular USA business hours)
  • Limited weekend processing.

Supported Carriers: WorldWide
Supported Phones:  Most Models
Supported Codes: NCK& MCK

Refund Policy: 

  • All codes are 100% correct from server.
  • No refund for non-working codes or devices that don't ask for a code. Check before ordering!
  • If the code fails to work it is generally due to a damaged and/or fully blocked security area or due to bad firmware flashing.
  • No refund for already unlocked IMEI. No refund for non-Samsung or junk IMEI.
  • Supplier does not accept video proof or any verification requests.
  • If you do not agree with these terms please do NOT order this service.

Troubleshooting steps: 

1. Factory reset the device
2. Enter NETWORK (or NCK) code.


Customer should be warned beforehand that if they have tried a free tool or modified the phone from original factory settings that code may not work.